The mission of the deaf church is to share the GOOD NEWS of the Lord Jesus Christ to the deaf and hearing people. We use The Bible as a tool for ministry and Jesus’ teachings as a way for Life. We believe in the
power of PRAYER and FAITH as a shield for
- Exalt the Lord through Worship
- Equip believers through Discipleship
- Evangelize the lost through outreach
- Encourage one another through Biblical
- Fellowship
- Empower believers through Ministry and
- Service
Our Core
- LEADERSHIP STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT – provide going leadership training to our department and ministry leaders; continue to evaluate the areas of ministries and outreach
- MINISTRY CARE & PARTNERSHIPS – to provide individualized support, mentoring, and discipleship to members; promote the church missions and outreach to the nearby vicinities; continue to develop the area of apparent and major needs for members (eg recovery, spiritual support and deliverance, prison ministries, independent living support)
- MINISTRY TRAINING – continue to provide ministerial education to members through Global University (Note: the church is a recognized study center); prepare members in ministerial and church administration internships
- CHURCH PLANTING – plant a deaf church where it is needed